Sarah Richards
A Ngiyampaa woman born on Gadigal land, Sarah is a contemporary artist living and painting
on Ngunnawal and Ngambri countries since 2012. Sarah was awarded ACT NAIDOC Artist of
the year in 2015 and Canberra Women in Business’ Indigenous Business Woman of the Year in
2023. In 2018, Sarah used the knowledge from her commerce degree and CPA qualification to
turn her passion from a hobby into a small business and created Marrawuy Journeys.
Marrawuy (Mar-ra-way) in her ancestors’ language of the Wongaibon people means red
kangaroo and was the totem of one of her ancestors, Richard King. This is one of the reasons
she has chosen to go by Marrawuy Journeys but the other is the fact that a kangaroo can’t
easily jump backwards. This also resonates strongly with Sarah because no matter what
challenge she is thrown, she keeps moving forward.
Marrawuy Journeys has a vision of healing as individuals so that we can heal as a country.
Having a creative outlet allowed Sarah to undergo a journey of healing and through Marrawuy
Journeys Sarah creates opportunities for others to experience the same.